Sarah Grace 5th June 2009

Oh hai, Just a thought, since when have I died? And if you're gonna kill me off, can you at least send me out in a blaze of glory - like on a Stealth rollback or something? Lulz @ the fact you thought anyone would believe this crap. Methinks my *marriage* would have made most people second guess the legitimacy of this s(h)ite...along with the fact that not one person I care about has contributed to it. You'd best hope I never find out who's directly responsible, because I wouldn't want to be in your shoes if I do. I think I proved myself adequately the last time you sickos tried to mess with me and I won't hesitate to do it again. I'm not afraid of any of you anymore and it's only a matter of time before I bring you ALL down. Trust me, I WILL get this site closed down if it kills me you sick FREAKS! (forgive the pun) Love and kisses, Casper (aka Sarah) <3